Early Spring Migrants

Ridley Creek State Park, near Media Pa.

I stopped in at a known spot for migrating Yellow-throated Warbler yesterday morning and was not disappointed: one individual was singing that sweet song on and off, and occasionally popping into view. Also in the area: a few Pine Siskins, probably on their way north after this past winter’s influx southward; a Pine Warbler, several Bluebirds seen or heard, Cowbirds, a Towhee singing rufously in the near distance, several trilling Chipping Sparrows, Goldfinches, and a Red-shouldered Hawk calling from somewhere east of the Towhee. A pair of Great Blue Herons squawked while passing high overhead. Bonus was a loud and cheerful Louisiana Waterthrush heard from the car as I was headed homeward along the creek. No camera involved in this outing, so I attach a photo from the same place last year.

Yellow-throated Warbler

Yellow-throated Warbler