Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos

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Like his cousin Catbird, a member of the mimidae family—but “mimic” does scant justice to this superb singer’s artistry. As the polyglottos of its species name suggests, the Mockingbird is fluent in many languages … and is always adding more. If you are fortunate enough to hear an experienced and talented individual (this does vary), it is like hearing the John Coltrane of birds: mimicry is the mere beginning of what he does with his repertoire. He will take a sound—maybe a Cardinal’s call, or a train whistle, or even a jack-hammer—and explore with it, play with it, bend it, mix it into a greater composition…you can listen to a particularly skillful Mockingbird all day and all night—for they sometimes do sing all night, especially when the moon is full.